Client development#

AirTrafficSim’s web-based client is written with javascript using React.js framework. The UI components are created using Ionic React library. The 3D globe and air traffic visualization are powered by Cesium.js library and Resium while the graph is plotted using Plotly.js library. The communication is handled with Socket.IO library.


If you want to contribute to the development of the client UI, please install Nodejs into the environment. You may also use your own nodejs install. Then, please also install Yarn a package manager for Node.js.

conda activate airtrafficsim
conda install -c conda-forge nodejs
npm install --global yarn

To install all the Node.js dependencies for client development, execute the following commands:

conda activate airtrafficsim
cd AirTrafficSim/client/


Please also obtain a Cesium access token from Cesium ion portal after signing up for a free account and copy it into a new file .env in client/ with the following line:


This allows the UI to properly stream and render the map, terrain, 3D building, and more.

Developing client#

The client code base is written in client/src/pages/Simulation.tsx with a React functional component called Simulation. The client/src/utils/websocket.ts file contains the setup of the Socket.IO WebSocket connection with the server’s URL and port number.

To run the UI development environment:

cd AirTrafficSim/client/
yarn start

You should be able to open the development UI using any modern browser at http://localhost:3000. It will live-refresh once you make any changes to the UI. In addition, you may want to run the AirTrafficSim backend to run a simulation or generate a replay.

To run the AirTrafficSim backend, open a new terminal window and run a server instance:

cd AirTrafficSim/
conda activate airtrafficsim
python -m airtrafficsim

Building client#

After finishing building the client, you can build the UI by executing the following commands:

cd AirTrafficSim/client/
yarn build

You can then push and merge the client to the GitHub repository.