An entry point to the backend of AirTrafficSim.
- appFlask()
A flask server object.
- socketioSocketIO()
A SocketIO object for communication.
- airtrafficsim.server.server.test_connect()#
Debug function to test whether the client is connected.
- airtrafficsim.server.server.test_disconnect()#
Debug function to inform the client is disconnected.
- airtrafficsim.server.server.get_replay_dir()#
Get the list of directories in data/replay
- airtrafficsim.server.server.get_replay_czml(replayCategory, replayFile)#
Generate a CZML file to client for replaying data.
- Parameters:
- replayCategorystring
The category to replay (historic / simulation)
- replayFilestring
Name of the replay file directory
- Returns:
- {}
JSON dictionary of the CZML data file
- airtrafficsim.server.server.get_graph_header(mode, replayCategory, replayFile)#
Get the list of parameters name of a file suitable for plotting graph.
- Parameters:
- modestring
AirTrafficSim mode (replay / simulation)
- replayCategorystring
The category to replay (historic / simulation)
- replayFilestring
Name of the replay file directory
- Returns:
- string[]
List of graph headers
- airtrafficsim.server.server.get_graph_data(mode, replayCategory, replayFile, simulationFile, graph)#
Get the data for the selected parameters to plot a graph.
- Parameters:
- modestring
AirTrafficSim mode (replay / simulation)
- replayCategorystring
The category to replay (historic / simulation)
- replayFilestring
Name of the replay file directory
- Returns:
- {}
JSON file for graph data for Plotly.js
- airtrafficsim.server.server.get_simulation_file()#
Get the list of files in airtrafficsim/env/
- Returns:
- string[]
List of simulation environment file names
- airtrafficsim.server.server.run_simulation(file)#
Start the simulation given file name.
- Parameters:
- filestring
Environment file name
Get the navigation waypoint data given
- Parameters:
- lat1float
Latitude (South)
- long1float
Longitude (West)
- lat2float
Latitude (North)
- long2float
Longitude (East)
- Returns:
- {}
JSON CZML file of navigation waypoint data
- airtrafficsim.server.server.get_era5_wind(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, file, time)#
Get the ERA5 wind data image to client
- Parameters:
- lat1float
Latitude (South)
- long1float
Longitude (West)
- lat2float
Latitude (North)
- long2float
Longitude (East)
- Returns:
- {}
JSON CZML file of ERA5 wind data image
- airtrafficsim.server.server.get_era5_rain(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, file, time)#
Get the ERA5 rain data image to client
- Parameters:
- lat1float
Latitude (South)
- long1float
Longitude (West)
- lat2float
Latitude (North)
- long2float
Longitude (East)
- Returns:
- {}
JSON CZML file of ERA5 rain data image
- airtrafficsim.server.server.get_radar_img(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, file, time)#
Get the radar data image to client
- Parameters:
- lat1float
Latitude (South)
- long1float
Longitude (West)
- lat2float
Latitude (North)
- long2float
Longitude (East)
- timestring
Time in ISO format
- filestring
File name of the radar image
- Returns:
- {}
JSON CZML file of radar data image
- airtrafficsim.server.server.serve_client()#
Serve client folder to user
- airtrafficsim.server.server.run_server(port=6111, host='')#
Start the backend server.